2019 New Venture Competition Finalists





Social Ventures


Last Call 2

Last Call

Erin McGeoy
Chloe King ESIA '19

Last Call is an online marketplace that enables businesses to discount their surplus food and provide more affordable meals.

Youthcare picture


Nihal Satyadev GWSPH '19
Arjun Vadlamudi

An intergenerational memory care social enterprise that partners trained student volunteers and persons with early-stage dementia.


Mobility Innovators 2

Mobility Innovators

Giavanna Corazza SEAS '22
Jonathan Lau SEAS '22
Justina Pruski SEAS '21
Raymond Yau SEAS '22

Mobility Innovators is an innovative, compact tray, designed for U.S. veterans who are wheelchair bound and lack independence.

District Connect

District Connect

Gabby Levet GWSPH '21
Winona Francis
Ariel Hensley

Our solution is a mobile grocery store that provides healthy and affordable food. Serving right where people need it most.




Technology Ventures


Plast-ways 3


Manyung Emma Hon SEAS '20
Samuel Magaziner

Plast-ways is an engineered consortium of plastic eating microbes intended to increase landfill lifespan.



Randall Ray SMHS '22
Parker Johnson SEAS '19
Nirmal Ravi

Perpetua presents Meerkat, a climate-controlled glovebox that makes it possible to use modern point-of-care medical labs in the developing world.


Voxion 2


Sam Bunger SEAS '21
Nathaniel Bury SEAS '22
Saramarie Puzzanghera SEAS '22
Ryan Fornara

Voxion provides a user-friendly and cost-effective solution for consumer-facing businesses to build custom voice applications.

Takin' It Easy

Solomon Abrams GWSB '19
Sydney Bailes SEAS '19
Caitlyn Pratt SEAS '21

Takin' It Easy is a user-friendly, cost-effective automated pill dispenser providing medical safety and autonomy for users and families.




New Ventures


Dulceology 2


Edith Leiva Corcoran '20
Andrea Nicole Leiva

Dulceology is an online bakery that engages clients through social media and connects with perspective customers through seasonal pop-up shop experiences.

Spiro team picture


Sajani Desai SMHS '22
Rachael Herrera SMHS '22
Sonia Samant SMHS '22
Abhya Vij SMHS '22

Spiro is a wearable bracelet that helps identify children's asthma triggers to decrease morbidity and mortality in a severity-enriched cohort.


Obious 2


Eleanor Parry GWSB '19
Jiani Xu GWSB '20
Daniel Noake

Obious is an online marketplace that makes buying and selling group experiences easy.

Viva Vita 2

Viva Vita

Carleigh Berryman GWSB '19
Dakota Sinder GWSB '19
Dylan Tally GWSB '19
Julianna Yee GWSB '19

Viva Vita makes aging engaging with empowering virtual reality technology. Our hassle-free services bring new life to seniors and their caregivers.